Are OKRs SMART Goals Re-branded? The conference room was fairly dark, only the dim reflection of cove lights on tables and the white background of my slides illuminating the thirty or so people who had gathered to hear me introduce the topic of OKRs to their...
Practicing What We Preach One of my OKRs for this quarter is to go through all of the many business magazines and books I’ve read over the past several months and extract the nuggets I think are particularly relevant – those I can share with clients to help them...
An Apple A Day… As a busy consultant with clients around the globe, I spend a lot of nights in hotel rooms. Chances are, if you’re reading this, you’re frequently on the go and log your fair share of time in hotels as well. If that’s the case,...
Learn OKR Objectives and Key Results is a management framework designed to help organizations achieve breakthrough results by focusing on what matters most, driving engagement, and aligning employees from top to bottom. Championed by Google, the system is now...
Scoring OKR Objectives and Key Results is a framework designed to help organizations improve performance by focusing on what matters most. All three elements of that previous sentence are important – framework, improving performance, and what matters most. In this...